Motion Design

Motion Design


Het Concertgebouworkest

Het Concertgebouworkest

We Love Live

The world began to gradually open up again in September 2021, and we wanted to celebrate that.

We had to experience what it’s like not to be able to fully practice our profession, what it’s like not to be able to meet each other, and what it’s like not to be a full part of public and cultural life—the true whetstone for our souls. The new cultural season was about to start, and we were really looking forward to it.

We had to experience what it’s like not to be able to fully practice our profession, what it’s like not to be able to meet each other, and what it’s like not to be a full part of public and cultural life—the true whetstone for our souls. The new cultural season was about to start, and we were really looking forward to it.

We had to experience what it’s like not to be able to fully practice our profession, what it’s like not to be able to meet each other, and what it’s like not to be a full part of public and cultural life—the true whetstone for our souls. The new cultural season was about to start, and we were really looking forward to it.

With the We-Love-Live campaign, we aimed to capture the joy, gratitude, and excitement of being able to perform and listen live again. Robin de Puy photographed five orchestra members and four audience members of the Concertgebouworkest for us, capturing it all in a phenomenal way.

Concept & design Studio Superaarde
Copy Marieke Kitzen
Fotografie Robin de Puy @ Unit C.M.A
Muah Bianca Fabrie
Assistent Jaimy Gail
Audio Bjorn Warning